Sympathy for the Devil [ version 6.0 ]

November '03

[ Quizzes of DOOM... ] 11 - 4 - 03

Hieica is listening to eX Dream(from X/1999, the TV series)

Weeeeeeeeee! Didn't get to my blog yesterday due to Klonoa 2 induced loss of time. And my sister was on. Scary sisters. I need quizzes...can't find them...

Not that you care. Is anybody even here? I don't know. Oh well, it's easy expressing stuff here. If I had something to indicate that SOMEBODY was here, I might be content. Alas, I'm not.

Shall I begin my rant? Ah, sure.

My day sucked. Not because of individual things or anything, just all around sucked. Yup. I frankly don't remember what happened, but I just KNOW I did something stupid and sucky. Yup. I'm an ass sometimes. EDIT: I'm an ass all the time. Hi.

I found quizzes! WHOA! A random object quiz...

Ripping Apart At The Seams
What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?
Ydoc's quizzes are the best! Go there and take them ALL, like ME!! Bwahahahahahahahaha!! Here's more:

Find out what anime series you belong in.

cold.. or are you?
Find out what bishonen you are.

The traveling street fighter.
Find out what anime bad boy you are.

What Anime Bad Boy Are You? Quiz 2

And then there's...

Swissy: No no no! No more you psychotic egghead!

Swissy!? I thought I locked you in the fridge...

Hieica ranted at 7:03 PM.

[ Holy crap? A BLOG!? ] 11 - 2 - 03

Hieica is listening to Time After Time by Mai Kuraki(Kewl J-Pop Artist)

This site has been made. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it. Hey! I took a quiz. ^.^ To see if I'm crazy or not. My results?

Ummm...I'm Cracking.
Are You Crazy??Find out!

I took it again afterwards, using the EXACT SAME answers. The results?

Ah...I'm psycho!
Are You Crazy??Find out!

I took some other ones too, from the same awesome website. Quizzes are fun.

Rock On! I'm...R&B!
Which Music Type are You?Find out!

Ok...I have a Creative Personality
What's Your Personality?Find out!

This is Hieica signing off at 1:59 PM