[ Ghostly Presence ] 07 - 20 - 04
Hieica is listening to Ai, Just On My Love from Orphen.Okay, so I blog when I feel like it. Hey, long time no see! How are you? *shakes hand*
Yes, it is true. We do have ghosts in our house. There's Alex, who we've talked to on our Ouija Board. He's my buddy. ^.^ I've known about him for a while. There's this creepy little girl, though. I was sleeping, and I just opened my eyes and saw a little girl standing there over me. Since I was already creeped out that night, I pulled the covers over my eyes after staring for a while and asked her to please warn me next time. When I looked again, she was gone. And I couldn't have made her up in my mind, because I told my sister and was in the middle of describing her when Erika asked, "She has dark straight hair, right?" We had both seen her, staring at us in the middle of the night. And we both couldn't see her eyes. So...we kind of haven't talked about her after that.
We went to the pet store today, just to look. This place had a huge open space for cockatiels, my favorite kind of bird. These birds are very expensive, over $100, but they are so friendly, and so what if past experience has left me with crap on my head? So now, I'm going to save up for a cockatiel, but first we have to buy these adorable striped mice that my mom fell in love with. ALSO, my mom's "boyfriend" that I despise is bringing his pet snake here to our house because it's not doing to well living in his truck with him. A cockatiel looks like this:

I've just finished watching the Orphen series. One question. Once she gives birth to Childman's reincarnation, is their love going to be considered incestuous? Well, it doesn't matter to me.
Anyway, see ya later!
[ Pumped Up On Novacaine ] 07 - 08 - 04
Hieica is listening to Love, Day After Tomorrow by Mai Kuraki.Sorry I haven't blogged for a while, but this time I have a reason! Plus it hasn't been half a year yet, so this must mean something good. ^.^ I did Chappie Five of Hot Dogs and Hair Gel. Just wanted to get that out.
Okay, the stupid reasons of non-blogging are as follows:
1.) Fortunecity was being an ass.
2.) We had to completely restart our computer.
3.) My life is very uneventful.
Yup. Those are my reasons. And I'm getting pissed off because we have to keep restarting our computer. I've lost count of how many times we've restarted it! Why is it being such a pain in the ass!? But don't worry, computer, I still love you. ^.^ *huggles computer*
Saturday, the 3rd of July, there was a carnival. It was crappy, and I went alone. (Well, with my mom and her friend and her two kids Kyla and T�a) Sure, mom's friend Melissa went on the "big kid" rides with me, and I spent a romantic moment on a creaky old Ferris Wheel with some four and five year old kids. I did see Shannon there, though. She's a friend from school, but I had to watch Kyla and T�a so I didn't get to hang out with her. Anyway, when we left, T�a was being a little brat and I had to chase her across the dark parking lot. I fell ever-so-gracefully into a ditch and twisted my knee, therefore enduring several days of pain in which I wanted to lay around and keep off of it and then my sister, because she's so abusive and low, decided to knock into it when she unlocked the door looking for some ass to whup.
Yes, my abusive older sister still has her job. And hell, when she wants to make herself look good in front of other people, she buys me stuff. Hence when she's pissed off, she throws up in my face that she "spent so much money on you" and shit like that. Bitch. I hate her. I hate her and I wish that she would just go away and leave me alone, forever.
I believe that HY is coming along well. I have to clean out old stuff that is un-downloadable, but it's doing great. Of course, it's going along so great that this person keeps bugging me to join her Graphic Design Contest. I haven't even said that I would do it, and she says submit content ASAP! WTF? I have to make up Tag-Board rules now. This is shit. I hope I don't have to make a blacklist or anything. That would suck.
Hm. On the bright side, we may be moving!! WOO! On the bright side? you ask. Well, the house we're living in now is small and cramped. My room is the size of a closet and I have a lot of junk in there that can't be reached. Our landlady sucks, and we live across the street from a church, where Father Name-Not-To-Be-Mentioned was drunk and ran over a man, killing him. He's probably a child molester too. I'm sick of them. We may be moving far away into this nice, BIG old haunted house. ^.^ Yay! We have a big yard, and blackcaps on the side of the house. There are a lot of rooms, and if we get it, mom said I could get that bunny she promised me two years ago. ^.^;; Either that, or tiny baby iguanas that WON'T go insane. Yup.
Yes. Pumped up on novacaine. Y'see, I got a filling today. It sucked.
Anyway, mom's pissed. See ya.
[ Another One Bites the Dust... ] 06 - 27 - 04
Hieica is listening to Ride on Shooting Star from Furi Kuri.That's right. Another commitment, down the drain. I promised I'd start the 23rd chapter, and I didn't.... BUT!! I finished Chapter Four of Hot Dogs and Hair Gel, my FF8 fic. ^.^ Wooo! Ciu-koi and I also finished our second chapters for the TL series... only my computer was all spaztic and mine was updated long after hers. ^.^;; But, hey, I got fanfiction done! Wooo! I'm so mean to Zell, really, I am. But it's fun writing about seifer, because he's always ticked off. ^.^;;
Only on a bad note, I didn't get any graphics done today for HY. Very sad... WHAT!? So what if I was reading Wolf's Rain fanfiction!? Toboe and Tsume make the perfect pair! Mwahahahahahaha!! *looks around* I didn't even have a lot of Coca-Cola tonight... hm.
I got a weird e-mail today. It's subject was (not for virgin eyes) SEXUALLY-EXPLICIT: Hurry up and grab a Kleenex!
.......no thanks. I'll pass, dude. Thank you, THANK YOU, for scarring me for life though, you loser!
Tyler visited today. He left immediately after mom asked him to help put the groceries away. ^.^;; Also, we have a friendly neighborhood bunny rabbit. I fed him lettuce and cucumbers. He was SO close to me, and then I moved. TWICE! I'm such a loser. So, I left a plate of lettuce and cucumber outside for him. In fact, I'll go check on that now...
He didn't eat any. I guess he doesn't like my mom's salad. ^.^ (I can't blame him, he's not the only one...) I named him Jack. Wow, I'm so original... I dunno, it was the first thing that popped into my head at the moment.
I woke up at 12:30 PM today. O.o Talk about sleeping in. It's kind of sad. Then my sister left at three and is right now coming home. My mom is paranoid, wondering where she is, as usual. I honestly don't care. My mom asked me today if I ever get tired of being alone. I snorted and gave her an "are you kidding?" look. She backed down.
You see, I love being alone. I'm not narcissistic or anything, but I would rather spend my time with nobody but myself rather than with anybody else (with the exception of Ciu-koi). That's probably why I'm so quiet around people. That is, until I get angry. Really, I was mad at this stuck-up boy at my school, PJ, and he was asking things like "Why the fuck are you mad?" and I was saying all the reasons I could think of, and the girl next to him, Jenn, said "I like her when she's mad, she talks more!"
Anyway, I'm really glad I restarted SftD. I like venting like this, because I know for a fact that nobody comes here. ^.^ So nobody can get offended (not that I really care, but, you know...)
Anyway, time to go. Many e-mails to read. >.<;; I just got about 15...
[ Magna Carta Layout!! ] 06 - 26 - 04
Hieica is listening to Mask by Masami Okui and Kasumi Matsumaru.Weeeell... I made a new spiff-tastic layout for SftD. Mwahahahahahaha, it kicks ass. I also made a new layout for Hikari Yume (well, I uploaded it, it's been made for months). Woot! They both kick ass.
Let's see. Today was a really hectic day. I mean, my sister went to work while my mom and I had to take care of a crybaby and a demon spawn (a.k.a. Joey and Sammy). Well, Samantha paid attention to me for once, since Erika wasn't there for her attention giving needs. Joey paid attention to me too, like always. In fact, he paid enough attention to me that he puked on me. Yes, fun fun.
Right now, I am sitting in front of the computer reviewing someone's site, waiting for Inuyasha to come on, glaring at my sister for making 80-some dollars tonight who's trying to bribe me with a buck to let her watch South Park during Inuyasha and Wolf's Rain. Wolf's Rain. I mean, honestly! Does she really think I'll let her squeeze in on my Toboe time? I'm also wondering whether or not I should watch Orphen without her tomorrow while she's at work. That's what I did with Bakuretsu Hunters. Ah, fun fun.
OH INUYASHA's coming on! See ya!
[edit] Okay, I'm back. ^.^ I got nice Toboe time. Now I want to rant about fanfiction. Ah ye, the wonderful beauty of fanfiction... I of course, am a fanfiction writer myself. I don't care what they say, but I SUPPORT SHOUNEN AI!! OH, look at that! Hell yeah! You guys can't take that away from me. Mwahahahahahaha...okay, a LITTLE too much Coca-Cola, I think... so anyway, fanfiction. Yes, I love it. In fact, I think I want to go read some. Yes, I see it now...Wolf's Rain.
You know, I was first introduced to shounen ai at the tender age of ten. Actually, as I read through the fanfiction, it kinda turned to yaoi. ^.^;; I am kind of scarred for life. Well, it was a Yu Yu Hakusho fic, and it was *gasp* Kurama x Hiei! WOO, so anyway, I loved that fic. Too bad I can't find it, because it was the fanfiction that made me a little (okay, a lot) more open-minded. It also made me bi. O.o But that's a good thing, because now it doesn't matter to me gender or looks. Age might make a difference, but not much. So anyway, I started my very first shounen ai peice on February 26, 2003. It's made it to twenty-two chapters with 200+ reviews. It's at Fanfiction.net called ~A Red Rose in the Darkness~. Yup, very original. Yu Yu Hakusho, too. ^.^;; I feel bad, because I haven't updated it in over two months. It's kind of sad. Maybe I'll get to work on it soon. Maybe right now. Okay, maybe not right now, but when I'm done ranting. I also want to update my other chapter stories, which have been neglected since last year. >.<;; I'm so sorry, my devoted fans! Beat me if you must!
Anyway, I have to go start the twenty-third chapter. See ya!!
[ Sympathy for the Devil? ] 06 - 25 - 04
Hieica is listening to Tsumetai Umi by Mai Kuraki.Well, my sister started her job yesterday. She leaves at 4:00 to 4:30 PM and comes home around midnight. She works Thursday through Sunday. Damn, is it fun, because she wakes up at three PM. Which means, I'm basically without her all day. *glee*
The very first thing she said to me this morning was "Veronica, you better do the chores if you want me to do mine!!" WTF!? Bitch much? In the hour she was awake, she told me she would "Bash my fucking head in", "beat the fuck out of me", "then attack me while I'm down", and "break down the fucking door and beat the shit out of me". Isn't she graceful? All I told her was to bring it on. Our mom said the next time she hits me, I can call the police. Now, I carry the phone around with me all day. ^.^ Personally, I don't mind if she goes to jail or juvenile hall. Whatever she gets, she deserves it times ten. I don't have sympathy for this devil. This stupid abusive devil. One day, I'm going to kick her ass all the way to jail. Mom always says "she's all you have". If that's all I have, take it away, please! I'll gladly have nothing, thank you.
She also tells me to wake her up at 10:00 AM. Excuse me, are you insane!? (Well...yeah...you are, but...) Do you honestly think I'll let you in on MY time? Yeah, well fuck you! I have another sister I will gladly spend time with, and she isn't you!
*clears throat* Excuse me, sorry about that. I had to vent. Normally, I hate saying the "f word", but if it includes Erika, than I sure as hell mean it. Anyway, as you can see, I did change the name of this here blog to Sympathy for the Devil, because Cowboy Bebop rocks.
THIS JUST IN!! Goddammit, the job is to keep us apart! Tonight we're going to the diner where Erika works for dinner. This sucks! It's crap. I refuse to go. I can't stand the site of her, and I can't even point and laugh at her because she'll beat me up when she comes home. Of course, maybe that's what I need for her to be gone for a long time. By the time she's released, I'll be living in Japan with my Ciu-koi as a rich manga-ka. ^.^ I wish!
I hope Tyler visits again. ^.^ It was fun when he visited last night. Anyway, when dinner is over, I'll fill you in on the details of the rest of this boring night in my pointless life.
[edit] Yup. So we went to the Diner for dinner. Erika is a busgirl there. When we got there, she was crying because a scary, dirty old man was hitting on her. Then she cheered up when I gave her some of my super-salty french fries and later, some of my chocolate ice cream. It was fun to see her being ordered around, rather then her ordering me around. All in all, it was an okay night. [/edit]
[ Lesbian Lover ] 06 - 24 - 04
Hieica is listening to I Want Out from Generator Gawl.Since it's been so long since I've blogged, I have decided to let you in on recent and non-recent events. We'll start with the old ones first, and it will eventually lead up to the explanation of the subject. ^.^;; Okay, here goes.
My sister has all these friends that live around here. They used to come over almost everyday. There was Brianna, Shannon, Tyler, Paul, another Paul(also known as Father Paul because of his fake preaching), Becca, and Dave. I had a crush on Dave because he was so sweet. But he was such a player. All of my sister's friends(well, the girls) have dated him. Okay, it goes like this. Some people say Brianna likes Brandon (my sister's ex-boyfriend) who just broke up with my ex-best friend Emily, Tyler loves Shannon, who is infatuated with Dave, but Dave is dating Becca who used to go out with "Father" Paul. And poor Paul A doesn't love anyone. ^.^;; My sister likes Brandon who likes this girl named Kyla, and it's all one big screwy-uppy-thingy(ooh, good descriptive words). ANYWAY, remember that thing about my ex-best friend Emily? Well, we got into a fight months ago over my sister. To make a long story short, Emily showed no restraint of hanging all over Brandon in front of my sister, and even decided to make out with him right in front of her and ended up making her cry. After that, we never spoke since. A day after Brandon broke up with Emily, she came crying to me. I decided to give her a second chance at friendship, because if I were her, that's what I would want. I immediately got sick of her once again and regretted that particular decision. Imagine the pervertedness of Miroku from Inuyasha. Now imagine the pervertedness of ten Mirokus, and you'll get Emily. I don't really like her touching my ASS in public. That same day, she told me she really loved me! Like lesbian love. Sure, it was once like that, before Brandon, but if she really thinks I'm giving her a second chance at my love, then she really is insane. What? Is there a problem with me for being bi? A lot of people are, and for close to four years, Emily had brought me happiness. Even looking back makes me smile, rather then spite her for being in my life. Yeah, so that explains "lesbian lover", even if it is only from her side. Besides, I have my Ciu-koi now. ^.^
In brighter news, I got a really cute backpack for highschool. It's black and has flames on the front. In big burning letters, it says "Damn you all". Above that is the head of Stewie Griffin from the Adult Swim show Family Guy. The sides say "You suck". I got it last Saturday, on the 19th, but I just HAD to tell everyone. ^.~
Anyway, I should get off soon. I'm not really supposed to be on the computer right now, I snuck on.
[edit] Tyler visited today!! ^.^ *squeal* He's really more my sister's friend than mine, but since my sister was at her first day of work today, he spent his time with me! Sure, he was talking about rollercoasters and wicked cool rides, his baby motorcycle, and his new cellphone and I was just listening and saying random comments here and there, but it was kind of fun, since I don't do anything else all day. Then he huggled me (as a substitute for huggling my sis), patted me on the head, and left. Of course, I didn't look very graceful. I was in my Lucky Charms pajamas and my slightly greasy hair was pulled back into a sloppy ponytail, and my toenail polish was chipped, but he didn't mind. ^.^ [/edit]
[ Graduation ] 06 - 23 - 04
Hieica is listening to Gravity by Yoko Kanno.
Damn has it been forever. I'm not a very good blogger, nothing's ever going to change that. Actually, over the course of...say...a long time, I've been thinking of blogging, but I was too lazy. ^.^;;
Anyway, Whoppers! now has a new layout. I didn't specify this layout for Whoppers!, it's available for downloading at Hikari Yume. BUT, it's Toboe, so it's all good!
Lessee, new stuff, new stuff... ah yes! I graduated from middle school on the 17th of June. When I wore the skirt I felt like a crossdresser. ^.^;; Sure, I graduated with D's, but I graduated nonetheless. I also won an award. The "Fine Arts" Award because I'm a kick-ass artist. The whole time I was on stage, Samantha was cheering in the crowd "Yay Aunt Veronica!". It was funny because it was silent as other people went up to snatch their awards and she was cheering for me, whether it was me on that stage or not. My father came as well. It was the first time I'd seen him in six years. He looked really worn-out and had a lot of grey hairs, even though he's in his thirties. Tch, that's what happens when you have five kids to take care of.
I kind of pity my dad. His wife really wanted to have a girl. She has five boys. Okay, so maybe it's not pity. It's the kind of glee you get when you see someone you hate get karma. Mwahahahahaha...
OH OH OH! Most importantly, I FINALLY met my Ciu-koi in real life! And she got pictures of me. *grrrr...*. We went into Kohl's and hid in the comforter section for an hour, looking at doodles, homemade jewelry, and manga that we brought. The time just flew by and we were looking for friendship bracelets, but NOBODY had them! Sooooooo...we got friendship Hamtaro dolls instead. ^.^ She did her Jin-imitation, but I didn't hold up my end of the bargain and sing for her. She made me promise to when she got back home. I promised, but I never promised specifically WHEN when. ^.^ Sorry Ciu-koi!
Well, summer's here, I'm bored out of my mind, henceforth updating the blogness after a forever of deadness, and Hikari Yume(EVERYDAY, too, two layouts minimum). I think I"m going to rename Whoppers "Sympathy for the Devil" after my favorite episode of Cowboy Bebop.
Here's a picture of Sammy and Joey, when Joey was born on Valentine's Day! ...a little late, huh?