February - March '04
[ No More GEPAs! ] 03 - 12 - 04
Hieica is listening to End of the World by Ayumi Hamasaki.
WOOT! New happy and pink layout! It's a Friday! YAY! ^.^ You don't understand how sick I am of my GEPAs I had to take. ^.^ Thank God they're over, but then there comes this Science, Math, and Computers projects all due Monday which I haven't started. Oh well. My sister invited her spaztic friends over. Paul left without his hat, the hat that I stole. He forgot about it. YES! I'll give it back eventually...*shifty eyes* �.� Okay, I admit, I've had too much Coca-Cola today. It came with our Domino's pizza. They deliver. ^.^ Maito, that I share Oregano! with is sleeping over. Eventually tonight or tomorrow we'll get to work on it again, since we just let it die. We now need pictures so we can make a new layout. It's really annoying. *shrugs* Oh well. Soooo....QUIZ!

In websitey goodness: I made a new layout for Whoppers, because though the Mai Kuraki one was adorable, it wasn't blog-material, so now it's Ayumi Hamasaki! (as if you couldn't tell *points up*) Oregano! has begun to have more work on it. Maito made her own website! It's all her own!! It's Pinky Tack right now, version Cold Knuckle. She gets inspired by anything. ^.^;;
Anyway, I gotta go work on Oregano! See you guys later!
[ Wiped Clean ] 03 - 07 - 04
Today we had to completely restart our computer. Yes, for the second time. Thank God I made all of my premade layouts downloadable and Fortunecity did not delete my pretty Ayumi Hamasaki layout for HY and that was the first thing on my mind to get it back. God, I love that layout. I also miss my Predilection mp3 by Kappei Yamaguchi. It's gone and sad.Because of the lack of pictures, I may not be able to make layouts for a while. This picture of Mai Kuraki was quickly picked off of Google Search Engine, though it did turn out pretty cute. You can kind of tell that I made it last minute. ^.^ Anyway, today wasn't all that eventful, eith the exception of all the excitement of returning to my beloved computer after two days of having it gone. ^.^;; We had my sister, her fianc�, and their two kids come over today. Joey, who was born Valentine's Day this year, enjoys sleeping on my chest. Just like all men. We had homemade chicken and cheese quesadillas and tacos. We borrowed my mom's ex-boyfriend's Playstation 2 because ours only accepts Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, and BloodRayne. My sister spent the day playing Final Fantasy X-2 so we can see the "great" ending.
There is none today, sorry, we're having trouble with the internet. ^.^;;
Websitey Goodness: Nothing much. New layout for Whoppers because frames don't really suit a blog. 20 hints for New Sites is up at Hikari Yume. I have to re-find all mp3s so they can be downloadable.
[ Anime & Roleplay ] 03 - 02 - 04
Hieica is lstening to Predilection by Kappei Yamaguchi.
Yesterday I watched my Cardcaptor's movie!! ...it sucked. ^.^;; The voices were completely different from every other dub, though I am quite glad they kept the original Japanese names, though they did pronounce everything different than what I thought. But that's okay, I had to see my beautiful Yue anyway, and his voice was almost the same as it was in the WB cartoon. -.-;; Dubs SUCK.
At school, we are acting out the Revolutionary War. Our fake money is Eckel Bucks(Mrs. Eckel is our principal) and we are taxed, though Loyalists, like me, get to suck up and get more Eckel Bucks, while the Patriots get charged for walking through the hall. It's funny. There's also the Neutrals, and they decide who wins. As a Loyalist, I myself secretly give Patriots money behind the Royal Commissioners' backs. I'm such a turncoat. ^.^ But anyway, it's really fun to watch even if I do help them out later on. I stayed up last night making my Loyalist shirt with permanent marker and then stayed up until midnight talking to my Ciu-koi. I didn't want to wake up this morning, thank God it was a half day.
Quiz of the Day:

I took the Yu Yu Hakusho personality test, so can you!
Business in the Websites: I made a new layout for Hikari Yume. Here's a lil' preview:
[ >.<;; Annoying... ] 02 - 29 - 04
Hieica is listening to Duty by Ayumi Hamasaki.
Hey-o! Isn't this pretty? It's Mai Kuraki, a cute lil' J-Pop artist. I don't know what she has to do with Whoppers, though...oh well! Today was my sister's birthday party. Her birthday WAS on Wednesday, though. Mom wanted her party on the weekend, so POOF! That's what happened.
Ugh, yesterday, my mom invited some kid from my bus stop over. First, he flipped my sister onto the floor, then he kept trying to touch my boob, and then he farted. NOT someone I want to be hanging around. I was so pissed off at her, especially since I told her specifically to NOT invite anybody over without my premission. She did that at my own birthday party with someone I hate. I almost died. The bus-stop kid was only using me for my Final Fantasy X guidebook, anyway. I played his game for three hours. It was pathetic. Never again, mom, never again!
Also yesterday night, when we went to the mall, I bought a Cardcaptor Sakura the 2nd movie: The Sealed Card DVD. Didn't get to watch it yet, though, because I was too busy watching every single episode of Fushigi Yuugi ever made. *swoon* Hotohori, Amiboshi! *dies*
![]() ...and not just because you have a claw attached to your hand. Which Claris Project character do you most resemble? Surely you are dying to know. |
Today in my websites: I completely re-did Time After Time (A shrine to Mai Kuraki). We also moved it to Geocities because of Fortunecity's evil banners. The old URL is http://members.fortunecity.com/maikuraki and the new URL is http://www.geocities.com/mai_timeaftertime. I made a wallpaper for Hikari Yume and some more buttons and avatars but I didn't get to putting them up. I also got the idea to make a Teen Titans website, probably about my favorite, little Beast Boy. ^.^;; Or maybe Raven. I'm going to make a new layout for ~Kurayami ni Akai Bara~ when I get the time because the one I have now sucks. It super sucks. I began to type the story for Razor Leaf, though I want to show off my new and improved HTML skills by making a new layout. Hazy Dreams will also get a new layout. Sheesh. I've been lacking, haven't I?